ViewModel Structure

Base Type

Generic view model should extend androidx.lifecycle.ViewModel.

State Exposure

State is exposed via state property of type T where T is your custom data class. To propagate changes form ViewModel to compose UI layer use MutableState get/set delegates:

var state by mutableStateOf(MovesSubPageState())
    private set

Note, state's set is private.

Interactions from UI layer

All interactions from UI layer should be done via direct calls to viewmodel.

class ErrorDialogViewModel : ViewModel() {

    fun hideError() {  }

fun ErrorDialog(vm: ErrorDialogViewModel) {
    DismissButton(onClick = { vm.hideError() })


ViewModels accept usually requireUseCase and Navigator objects as dependencies.


Use classify function to convert UseCases domain error to UIError. Then consume either value or error with when statement.

state = when (val data = getData(id).classify(MyClass::class)) {
    is Either.Left -> state.copy(error = data.value)
    is Either.Right -> state.copy(value = data.value)