

  • Should be able to deeplink to any screen by default
  • Navigation events should be fired from ViewController level
  • Navigation system should discourage passing state via global state
  • Dialogs / BottomSheets e.t.c. should be mainly displayed via navigation system\
  • Navigation should be configured dynamically on startup


  • Page - single user visible screen, multiple pages could be embedded to make single composite page
  • ViewController - ViewModel/Persenter/Socket what ever component controls UI
  • Navigator - object that passes navigation commands to UI layer and gives access to current state of navigation
  • Decoration - UI element shared between pages, could be tweaked by individual pages

URI based navigation concept

Every page has corresponding URI just like on web. Resource identifier style is preferred.

For example pokemon details page will have URI like: pdx://pokemon/ditto?style=short, where: 1. protocol: pdx:// - in this case app name is aliased to pdx, links to browser will contain https instead 2. part 1: ppokemon - denotes that we need to access pokemon resource 3. part 2: ditto - identifier of accessed resource, passed to page as parameter 4. query 1: style=short - some parameter passed to Page

Pros: 1. Each page will have semi-stable unique URI 2. Any parameters passed to page will be visible in URI 3. Can't pass complex data structure, promotes simplicity

Cons: 1. Changing page URI will require manually going to every navigation call

  1. navigateCommand : StateFlow<NavigateCommand> - flow of command for UI layer
  2. navigate(route: Route) - route (effectively URI) to next page


Sometimes application should contain UI elements that should be persisted across pages. For example toolbar should be visible on all pages, but it could contain different titles / badges / e.t.c.

This issue is solved by Decoration system.

DecorationHost - point of integration of decorations into UI. Represents a slot that could be placed somewhere in UI. Marked by decoarion route

Decoration - side effect emitting peace of UI into DecorationHost. Should emit new version on UI on state changed. Connected to DecoationHost by specifying decoartion route.

Each page could have only one Decoaration unique decoration route. Multiple Decorationss with different decoartino routes are permitted.


fun Toolbar() {
    // ... toolbar implementation
    DecoationHost("pdx://decoration/toolbar_header") {
        Text("Default Toolbar Title")

// on home page
fun HomePage() {
    // ... toolbar implementation
    Decoation("pdx://decoration/toolbar_header") {
// on search page
fun SearchPage() {
    // ... toolbar implementation
    Decoation("pdx://decoration/toolbar_header") {
            query = state.query, 
            suggestions = state.suggestions,
            onUpdate = { newQuery -> act(UpdateQuery(newQuery)) }